How To Choose The Right Shoe

We would like to inform you about finding the right running shoe. It can be very confusing to go on
the internet, walk into a store, look at all the selection and know what to get it's even more frustrating when you see friends wearing one shoe, you try them on and they don't always  work. Well here's
your best bet to getting the running shoe to fit you well.

1. Manipulation Test

How to do it? Take the shoe and make sure that it has a reasonable amount of flex in the front. If the shoe buckles right here, just literally buckles that's not good, you want a reasonable amount of flex. You never want the running shoe to bend easily in the belly right here, if it does bend easily right in that area in the shank area, that shoe is going to hurt your foot. So you want to make sure those have the right amount of flex.

2. Torsional Rigidity

Torsional rigidity is really important, you don't want the shoe to bend and flex too easy because it's
again not going to perform for you well, so both items are important, the Flex test at the ball and you want to make sure that the torsional rigidity is good.

3. Firm Heel

If you can take a heel press on it and literally buckle it right to the floor of the shoe, that makes for a shoe that is not going to work for you, so make sure that she hugs your heel has the right amount of flex and the right amount of torque and that shoe has a chance of giving you a pretty good ride also in the upper, do you want to make sure the shoe is relatively soft to allow for elongation and expansion and of course the shoe must fit you should never be crowded across the belt ball area or in the toe box. Make sure you've got plenty of room and the biggest things we've talked about in the past too is make sure your heel not sliding out of the back of all the time. So lock it make sure there's room for expansion make sure the shoe has the right features.

For your information, there's two types of shoe :

1. Cushion only Shoe
Cushion only shoe is a basic EBA or combination cushion sole shoe. There are many different types of cushion shoe, but they usually have a white midsole in most cases and unless they're a dark color and there's no special support features built into the midsole of the shoe. All kinds of really good cushion only shoes from the major brands in today's market.

2. Support Shoe
Support Shoe means that as the entire foot flattens inward toward the middle line of your body, the shoe has some kind of denser material built into the sole, so you have your normal cushion, but a
denser material built in the sole. There are many categories of supportive shoes some a mild summer, extreme but the bottom line is there's cushion in this cushion with support .

Please make sure that your shoes have a removable cushion. We always need that option in our shoe, so don't buy the shoe unless you've checked to make sure that the insert comes out. In all the shoes
made today, they are merely flight cushions that are inside the shoes. 

Now, within the two categories there are many subcategories. The cushion only shoe also has many
different weights. You could have a shoe that's 14 onces, you could have another shoe that's 6 onces. So some of the shoes have become pretty lightweight have special sale designs to support the ride and again those basic needs that we're still there the relative amount of flex, the right amount of torsional
rigidity and a nice firm heel cup in the back.

Support category, it's kind of the same thing, some of the shoes are going to have a very light, you
know weight to them and others are going to be heavier.

Now in both categories cushion only and cushion will support there's also two types : Road shoe and tail shoe.

The trail shoe usually features some kind of an aggressive sole, again the basic features need to be there, there are two types there's the the one with the arch built into the sole and there's the regular
cushion treasury, they come in many different weights as well.

Minimalist Shoe
Now when you go to minimalism remember we've talked about five fingers

There is no flex or torsional rigidity these are shoes meant to work with the bare foot, whether
it's a attract spikes or cross-country racing shoe, there's not a whole lot of support there, isn't it to be a little emulation of your bare foot, you have many different types of spiked options out there you got some with a spike option some without they just go in spikeless shoe and then of course you've got your ever emerging collection of minimalist or barefoot running shoes.